
For a Google Doc list I've put together, click here. A similar set of links is below.

If a link has no *, then no account is required or needed.

* Means that an account is recommended but not required.

** Means that a free account is required to use a link.

*** Means that an account is required and only has a trial period.

Not sure where to start? I recommend the following:
And after you learn a lot or feel comfortable with immersion:

Links for K-5 Students

These are things I've put together to specifically practice what we cover in class.

Class Materials (a Google Drive folder with handouts)

Quizlet (review what was taught in class by part of speech or unit)

Sugarcane (practice food vocabulary)

Interactive Language Learning

Learn, match, type, and use words and phrases. Great for beginners.

DuoLingo * (a fun site to learn, improve, and practice languages)

Polly Lingual (a similar interactive site but not as good)

Quia (activities for vocab and grammar)

Quizlet * (make or search for flashcards and do activities based on them)

Spanish Wizards *** (authentic dialogues with interactive transcripts)

Informational Sources

Interesting facts, online textbooks, and references for vocabulary and grammar.

About Spanish (tons of thorough information and interesting articles)

Conjuguemos (vocabulary, grammar, and listening practice)

False Cognates (words that look like words in English but mean something else)

Spanish Grammar (an online book with activities)

Spanish Wikibook (a free online textbook)

StudySpanish (printable handouts, grammar quizzes, vocab activities, and podcasts)


Read and listen to Spanish from native and fluent speakers. Search for words in context.

AstroMía (an educational website about space)

BBC Mundo (news in Spanish)

Kevin Karla y La Banda (Spanish covers of English pop songs with lyrics)

LyricsTraining (type words while listening to songs in Spanish from different countries)

MisCositas Picturebooks (read or listen to stories with pictures)

Newsela ** (leveled news articles in Spanish with quizzes)

Spanish Listening (native speakers with transcripts, vocab, and quizzes)

Univision (news with tons of videos)

Veinte Mundos (an online magazine made for Spanish learners with a focus on culture)


Dictionaries, how-tos etc.

123 Teach Me (a ton of tools and resources for Spanish learners)

Anki ** (made or download flashcards; best used with the program or app)

Google Translate (look up words or phrases)

Memrise ** (user-made mnemonic devices for given words and phrases)

Spanish Obsessed Podcast (from absolute beginner to advanced)

Type Accents in a Browser (if you don't want to install a Spanish keyboard)

WordReference (look up words or phrases and view verb forms)

More links will be added as they're found.

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